Installed newest link planner, 5.2.3, and created a new ptp link (using F300-25's) and on the equipment section the Regulation (other) isn't changeable. Was hoping to use link planner to figure out how much I need to turn the power down on this link to get it to stay at MCS 9 256 but it's showing that happening at 29.0 dBm power (52.4 EIRP) ...


Which frequency band are you using? It sounds like it may be 5.3 GHz, which is not a band which is supported with a specific regulation in most countries and therefore we only offer "Other" as a single open regulation. If you choose a different frequency band (except 4.9 GHz) you should see multiple country regulations available.

LINKPlannersets the maximum power based on the regulation and the receive level at the opposite end of the link. It works to maximize the fade margin and availability and will only reduce the maximum power if it overloads the other end of the link. If you want to reduce the transmit power, select "User Limit" and then set the power that you want to use. Please note that User Limit cannot increase the transmit power from the default calculated automatically.



Well I'm in FCC land and the FCC radios allow me to use 5.3 however you are correct, using 5.8 or 5.4 with ePMP CSM (since 3000L isn't on the list) does allow me to change the "Regulation" but USA, United States nor FCC are on the list for 300 CS.

There are no FCC rules governing the use of the 5.3 GHz band in the United States, therefore we have nothing specific to apply using a United States country designation, which is why United States doesn't appear in the 5.3 GHz list as we would not want to mislead users. If we had a United States selection in LINKPlanner users would think that we are compliant to FCC rules.

The Force 300-CSM equally doesn't have a United States selection in LINKPlanner as the FCC grant supports use of antennas up to 25 dBi (which can be supported by our other Force products) and our external antennas that we offer in LINKPlanner in the 5 GHz band are higher gain and therefore not compliant (this also applies to the ePMP 3000L).

Ok, I'm obviously not understanding something here.

The FCC ePMP radios I have (even 300/3000) allow me to select 5235(DFS) - 5320(DFS). Are you saying that they are not compliant with FCC rules and I should not be using those frequencies ?

OK this explains the confusion:

5250 to 5350 MHz is classified as the 5.2 GHz band and not the 5.3 GHz band

5150 to 5250 MHz is the 5.1 GHz band

The 5.3 GHz band covers the frequencies between 5350 and 5470 MHz (at the bottom of the 5.4 GHz band)

The ePMP products allow overspill from the 5.2 GHz band down into the 5.1 GHz band as the EIRP limits and DFS requirements are stricter in the 5.2 GHz band.
