Can I restore it again via push the reset button for 15sec?

You should try that – I personally don’t think there’d be any danger in that.

If you hold that reset button too long, the radios go into recovery mode, to give you the opportunity to reload firmware… but if you just intended on doing a factory wipe of the settings, then the button press should be shorter duration.

Thans, i will try it.


I collapsed!! It took too much time to solve this. And it hasn’t been solved yet.

Hi Yunyun. Did you contact Cambium Support about this? They could probably help you much more efficiently. The User forums are user-to-user help, so we all help out when we have spare time. And some Cambium staff does participate sometimes too… but the forums are normally just user-to-user help.

I just saying that this might be more a Cambium Support Ticket type of thing maybe?


if this is a force 300-19 then its toast if this occured right after a firmware update. Will need RMA. Even if you get it to take a prior firmware the issue will persist eventually

I’m very happy to see this post because I’ve wasted too much time on this question. It looks like a recovery mode. How can I get this firmware file? Thanks.

Thanks for your help! I have submitted a ticket, but the technical support is not very professional~~

I had this issue before just upload the AC IMG should work no issues here.

Can’t you just download the 4.6.1 AC firmware and upload it?

The latest 4.6.1 Release version is downloadable from here.


The Update Firmware button is gray and cannot go next step.

Oh - I see. Yes, that looks like a pickle. This might be a difficult thing for users to help with… since I’ve never personally done this (and many other’s probably haven’t had to go into ‘recovery mode’ either)

What did Cambium Support suggest in your Support Ticket?

The another upload way is to enter SSH for upgrading. If SSH is not successful, it must only go through RMA~

I have seen this recently with 3x AP’s across our network that randomly decide to drop their 4.6.1 firmware and revert to recovery mode. Sometimes this is preceded with a “GPS sync lost”, but not in all cases.
I have found trying to recover with 4.6.1 never works.
I now load 4.4.3, get to the GUI, cold boot, upgrade FW to 4.6.1 then restore config from backup.

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Yunyun - I’d still be interested to know what suggestions Cambium Support has give on your Support Ticket? I’m distressed that this has been so long without a resolution for you. To be fair, there was a long-weekend holiday in the middle, but still I’d be interested to know the results youd had with Cambium Tech Support on your Support Ticket?

Yunyun- perhaps you could try this? ChrisP says that 4.6.1 fails for him too - so maybe try loading 4.4.3 instead, and if that works - then upgrade from there?
You can find a 4.4.3 version for the 3000 in the Firmware download Archives.

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Yes, it has been waiting for a long time and still hasn’t been solved. We tried to visit it via SSH, but it failed, because refused by ePMP. So we only left the only option-RMA.
So the current method is to follow the RMA process~

Oh no! That’s horrible really. That’s be so simple to do accidently… and not a huge problem really if it’s just a matter of reloading a firmware. But if that kills an AP…yikes!

你试过通过功率循环工厂重置吗ing? Seems the button is just causing issues.

If you suspect a corrupt or not working firmware then to use recovery mode you need to have the tftp recovery system setup and ready to send the boot files to the radio or it will just do nothing.
Make sure you are using the correct firmware for the radio, if its a f300 then you must use the AC version of firmware.