Yes and I had to find out on my first cambium networks…purchase… and it was almost $2500.
and will finish the job next week… nice to see so many responses to my original post…
Lot’s of settings…and other stuff…really don’t need all of it but I guess you never know.
我会再做一次吗?我希望我能在第一个地方拥有正确的AP ......

The correct AP is an actual AP, not an SM. Like ePMP3000/L etc.

It would be cool if you could use an SM as an AP, but that’s what Ubiquiti is for.


I get what you’re saying but are Cambium better off losing the sale to Ubnt or are they better off taking a minuscule hit an including that feature out of the box ? None of my customers have opted for 3000’s fyi so they’ve lost those $$$ . Virtually all my customers take on 3-5 Year licensing support plans with Cambium gear that they buy so you could still double dip on that sweet almost guaranteed support money.

We know the equipment can actually do it, it’s just been feature locked/blocked.


I hear you bro. That 3000 micropop is pretty well spec’d and not much more than a f300 from memory. I know its not your point but ive got a few of them in my wisp and they work fine.
我听到了一个谣言,他们要提供你想要的东西,但在前and no change yet.
Are you doing cctv? If so id just got with ubnt anyway - i got a call from security company requesting passwords for a ubnt network i built 8 years ago - ive never been back and its still working. If it was CN id have been back 20 times lol, sorry cambium but its true.

From what I understand, it’ll ONLY be on the Force300csm, not on any of the others – and it’ll be yet another lame licensing scheme. Cambium’s ‘sales team’ is convinced of their ‘self fulfilling prophecies’ - They’ll take their most expensive SM, add on a licensing fee, get it to nearly the 3000M 3000L price - and then they’ll say “see, no one was really interested in AP features on the SMs”

Like everyone else, we’ve been forced to switch to other brands for the small WAN networks… such as UBNT. And guess what - they work just fine. As a matter of fact, now that we’re re-introducing them to our network, I find that their management software (FREE - NOT LICENSED) works fine too, and their GUI is SO much better. So thanks Cambium, for forcing me to go back and re-examine the competition. Keep removing features and then trying to sell them back to us for extra $$$ and see how that works out long term. OH - I’m sure in your self-convinced world, it’ll all be fine.


Upon internal discussion, we are considering allowing Force300 SMs to act as PMP AP, allowing upto 12 SMs to connect. Will update very soon once it’s finalized and which firmware it will be done. Also, this will be available at no additional cost or licensing, etc. Just a firmware upgrade.


My fault for not researching this as I just figured I could use the Force300’s either way.
This is my first purchase of Cambium equipment and it was several thousand dollars.
And I’m replacing UBNT Mesh Radios.


That is excellent news Chinmay!

There you go djdrastic, cambium going to come through for you!

我们应该购买Clecbium股票而不是产品 - 今年迄今为止将上涨80%。我听说它是​​由于他们的决定不允许F300作为APS:stuck_out_tongue:




Now if we could get a F300 2.4Ghz then the portfolio will be almost back to what it was in the epmp1000 days!


由于令人不愉快的经历,我可能会被误导,但我知道我们无法让这个系统正常工作,并且不得不用EPMP F180替换所有内容来获得系统工作。

如果无线电真正透明,那么为什么他们没有通过RTSP以外的流量?只有您可以将相机置于VMS / NVR连接,只能建立。在我们的设置中非常常见的IP相机(Hikvision和Hikvision NVR直接删除的兼容性)在网络交换机上工作正常,但是一个长凳跳跃没有,甚至无法平衡它。我非常怀疑它是由于我的教育或设置,并且无法访问OnVIF IP摄像头。

I am not sure what is changed to make the radios cnvision vs epmp but for the price per unit and the experienced headaches there is no marketable reason to push this product. Especially when a single F180 can support 15 IP cameras at 4MP 1920x1080 20fps with 15fps mjpeg second stream (10 cameras if you want 30fps).and this is on a 50/50 frame ratio which allows for VOIP call stations and localized wifi.


+1 on something for 2.4!!! Anythng!


Absolutely fantastic idea for the sake of security. Bravo for the idea:frowning:

+2 on something 2.4 too!! 802.11AX has 2.4Ghz chipset, so it would be great (and SO needed) to have 2.4Ghz gear.



Did not expect such a positive response to this:stuck_out_tongue:

Will say we take our frustrations out on the support or techs in the forums but usually birdbrained decisions like this are usually formulated by some bean counter or green MBA looking for a gold star on their head.So can’t really blame the support people from Cambium for stuff like this.

你好,给我直到下周初,最新得到back. Thanks.


Hi@Chinmay_K任何更新 ?



